Tibetan Buddha Ritual Box, For Prayer and Meditation-Set of 8 Buddhist Ritual Items

  • £44.99

Product Details

This Ritual box contains of different items which are important for a tibetan ritual. This Box contains of following different items:

1. Khadga: It is a symbol of respect, for journey offer Khadga for his protective travelling. It represents welcome as well as offering

2. Prayer flag: Five colors of flag have different meaning such as blue represents sky, white cloud, red atmosphere, yellow sun,green earth, respectively. Five pieces of clothe manifest the 5 Dhyani Buddhas.

3. Asta Mangala: The astamangala share attributes of Astamangaldevi - The goddess of wealth.

4. Rosary: A symbol of endless cycle of rebirth . Symbol of Avlokiteshwor in Buddhist tradition. It is used in necromancy, meditation and prayer.

5.Buddha statue: Find a path which will eventually lead to achieve his enlightenment.

6. Offering Cup: It represent seven limbs of the human body. Seven limbs stand for seven organs. Man should be practiced in purifying negative tendencies and accumulate merits.

7. Butter lamp: devotee seeks a transition from darkness (ignorance) to the light (knowledge). It is a ritual artifact and regarded a sacred symbol in both Hinduism and Buddhism.

8.Incense: As ritual object it is burnt as an offering to deities, burning your desires is symbolized in this air purifying ritual.

  • Perfect as a gift. Gift Box
  • Buddha Ritual Box Contains: Khadga, Prayer Flag, Ashtamangala, Rosary, Buddha Statue, 7 Offering Cup, Butter Lamp, Incense
  • Ideal for MINDFULNESS meditation exercises.
  • Buddhist ritual Items essential for prayer & meditation
  • Note: Product can be slightly different from photo

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